How can I login/sign up into BazaarGhar?
You can login or sign up using your phone number here (link). Click on “Send Code”, you will receive an OTP code from BazaarGhar on SMS. Enter that code and click on “Verify”.
Can I login into BazaarGhar from multiple devices?
Yes, you can login from multiple devices.
What should I do if in case I don‘t get the OTP or verification code when signing up?
If in case you are facing issue in getting the OTP or verification code while signing in, You can sign up and login via email or contact our customer support team (0301-1166879).
What is BazaarGhar Customer Support helpline number?
Customer Support Helpline: 0301-1166879
Working hours: 9am to 9pm
BazaarGhar App not working. What should I do?
Please follow these steps:
Go to Settings. Go to Apps Management.Look for “BazaarGhar” app. Go to storage. Clean Cache. Open app again.
There are brands on Bazaar Ghar website. Are they authentic and have genuine products?
Yes, all of them are genuine. And if there is any replica on the website, the seller is responsible to clearly mentioned it in description.
Why am I seeing different prices for the same product?
We have many sellers working with us, it is possible that they are selling same product with different prices, you can order depending upon the quality of product and product reviews.
How much delivery cost I’ve to pay on my packages?
Delivery charges depends on the package weight, volume and depending upon the destination.
What is average delivery timeline?
The average delivery time within Pakistan is 3-4 working days.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we do. We have a range of international customers and we deliver them our quality products. If you are an international buyer, please drop a WhatsApp message on 00923011166879, and our team will contact you.
Note: “Order via WhatsaApp” option is available with every product.
What payment options are available at BazaarGhar?
Currently, we are offering the COD (Cash on Delivery) only. International buyers have to pay in advance.
How to place an order on BazaarGhar?
Login with your phone number or email.
Click on “Add to cart” button.
Go to “cart” page by clicking on button.
Click on “Proceed to checkout”.
Add your address by clicking on “Add New Address” button.
After adding address, click on “Continue to shipping”.
Select your payment method and click on “Checkout”.
Select your payment method and click on “Checkout”.
Note: International buyers have to order via WhatsApp (0092 301 1166879).
Can I place an order via WhatsApp?
Yes, you can place an order via WhatsApp on 0301-1166879. Note: International buyers have to order via WhatsApp 00923011166879.
How to add or remove items in the cart?
To add a product in cart, click on “Add to cart” button.
To remove item from cart, click on cart icon then click on cross icon (x) to remove product.
How would I know if my order has been confirmed?
Our fulfillment department will call you within few hours after order placement to confirm your order.
How to check the status of my order?
You can check status of your order by calling our customer support helpline (0301-1166879)
I ordered multiple items but I have received only one item so far. What needs to be done?
Items bought from different sellers are often shipped separately to ensure no delay in the fulfillment of your order.
How can I return a product?
BazaarGhar aims to provide an excellent customer commitment and customer experience. So, if you are not happy with any product, you have 6-days’ time to return that product. The amount of your product will be transferred to your bank account as soon as you handover the product for return.
Note: Customers must not have to use that product.
Please contact helpline: 0301-1166879
Can I cancel my order?
Customer may cancel the order before it has been shipped to it.
If the Customer cancels the order before the status of “It’s Shipped”, any such shipment and liability associated with the same shall remain the sellers responsibility to pay the shipping charges.
Customer can refund where the Customer has pre-paid for the Product and he/she cancels the order before it has been shipped.
Customer can reject / return the order because of the following reasons:
Note: Customized & Electronic products are not return / refundable until or unless the product is broken or damaged or product is not what the customer has ordered. In such cases customer must have to contact customer support helpline and customer must not have to use the product.