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When a rooting hormone is used correctly, it causes a plant cutting to develop roots quickly and be more robust than cuttings that don't. Most gardeners use rooting hormone primarily on ornamental plants and to propagate succulentsRooting hormones increase the chance of your cuttings taking root. ... While many plants root freely on their own (see below), using a root hormone makes the task of propagating 'difficult' plants much easier. However, rooting hormones are rarely essentialThe best choice depends on the species, the cutting and growing conditions. Generally, I find slow-growing cuttings are more likely to rot if soaked in water. For these, I dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and plant in potting mix. Fast growers may root quite readily in water (sweet potato vine is a good example).
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When a rooting hormone is used correctly, it causes a plant cutting to develop roots quickly and be more robust than cuttings that don't. Most gardeners use rooting hormone primarily on ornamental plants and to propagate succulentsRooting hormones increase the chance of your cuttings taking root. ... While many plants root freely on their own (see below), using a root hormone makes the task of propagating 'difficult' plants much easier. However, rooting hormones are rarely essentialThe best choice depends on the species, the cutting and growing conditions. Generally, I find slow-growing cuttings are more likely to rot if soaked in water. For these, I dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and plant in potting mix. Fast growers may root quite readily in water (sweet potato vine is a good example).